2024 International Agent
of the Year Winner
In February 2024 the Executive Committee (ExCom) of IUCAB met virtually to select this year’s winner of the IUCAB George Hayward Award. Various applications have been received from the IUCAB Member Associations and it has been a very close race between the nominees.
The International Agent of the Year 2024 is Mr. Tommy Garnett, owner of Garnett Component Sales Inc. and member of MANA, USA. The agency has 4 employees, represents 18 principals and is providing custom engineered electromechanical compononents. MANA President Charles Cohon received the trophy on behalf of Mr Garnett at this year’s Delegates’ Meeting in Vienna, Austria.
Tommy Garnett sent us the following greetings: ” GCS, Inc. would like to thank IUCAB as well as MANA for this prestigious award – we are humbled. We are privileged to represent world class manufacturers who make awards like this possible. Being a commercial agent can be a demanding job and I would like to specifically acknowledge the support my familiy provides that has allowed me to do the job I love for all these years. So, a special ‘Thank you’ to my wife Angela, and daughters Channing and Addison for their unwavering support and love. We strive each and every day to make the profession better and we have had the good fortune of being mentored by people like Tom Garnett sen., Don Hautton, Rahul Parikh and Tom and Anthony Falcone. Each in their own way have made us who we are today. Finally, to Artie Smith and Mark Snyder, your contributions are invaluable and I can´t thank you enough for being part of something we are creating togehter.”
The IUCAB delegates congratulate him and wish him all the best and continued success in his field of business.
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The IUCAB International
Agent of the Year
“George Hayward Award” was established by the IUCAB Executive Committee in memory of George Hayward, the first elected U.S. Vice President of IUCAB, following his passing in May 2009. This prestigious award recognizes exceptional dedication, professionalism, and contributions to the commercial agents’ profession.